About Pretty Prairie


Pretty Prairie (population ~688) is in central Kansas, U.S.A....

... 241 miles southwest of Kansas City, Kansas...

... 45.9 miles due west of Wichita, 24.9 miles south of Hutchinson, 13.7 miles north of Kingman, and 21.7 miles southwest of the Amish community of Yoder

Surrounding Populations

City Approximate Population
Pretty Prairie 688
Kingman 3,177
Yoder 194
Hutchinson 42,080
Wichita 386,552 (city)/637,394 (metro)


Pretty Prairie is very cold in the winter and warm in the summer. Pretty Prairie is in "tornado alley," and the weather is known to be erratic from time to time.

Pretty Prairie downtown- winter

Pretty Prairie downtown- spring

These two pictures were actually taken one week apart :)

Harvest and Pretty Prairie Rodeo

Pretty Prairie is a very quiet place, except for every June when Harvest happens and July when Pretty Prairie hosts the world famous Pretty Prairie Rodeo (the largest night rodeo in Kansas).

Pretty Prairie Rodeo arena entrance

Google Trends search interest graph showing increased interest every July for phrase "Pretty Prairie" (region: worldwide)

Pretty Prairie Institutions


A number of Pretty Prairie residents work locally (farmers, teachers, police, city workers, etc.), or commute to other nearby cities (Kingman, Hutchinson, Wichita, etc.) for work (business people, machine operators, etc.). Though the cost of living may be lower, the price of gas and time spent commuting also have to be considered. Meanwhile, the outskirts of Wichita are steadily expanding outward. Still, the Pretty Prairie population remains fairly constant (~688).

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