Lessons Learned

  • Update: this issue was fixed in Jekyll 3.3.0. Each personal GitHub account is entitled to a gh-pages website with a root URL of their account name ending with github.io. For example, my portfolio website is a Jekyll site hosted on gh-pages with the root URL of http://katherinemichel.github.io. This URL will prepend the URLs of any additional gh-pages repo that I create. Usually, this prepending happens automatically, but not in the case of Jekyll. My biggest lessons learned, which required some time spent researching, was that I would need to modify the _config.yml and code in order to prepend the root URL and build the full URL. Otherwise, for example, an index.html file in a repo named self-hosted-church-website-jekyll would wrongly open as http://katherinemichel.github.io/index.html, instead of having the root URL prepended to create https://katherinemichel.github.io/self-hosted-church-website-jekyll/index.html

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